For Professional Caregivers:
SUPPORTIVE PATHWAYS DEMENTIA TRAINING PROGRAM: A 2 day program facilitated by Marjorie Horne to achieve the following outcomes for healthcare professionals:
Goal #1: Staff will have special skills/knowledge and attributes that will support the person with dementia.
Goal #2: Staff will provide individualized, whole person care to the person with dementia in a supportive environment. The goal is to optimize quality of life.
Goal #3: To encourage family to be involved to their desire level.
This program consists of seven modules that can be facilitated over a 2 day program or an optional five week program consisting of one 3 hour session per week. The modules are:
- Individual and Organizational Beliefs and Values
- Normal Aging Change s and Disease Process in Dementia
- Effective Communication
- Normalized Living ( Facility or Community Model)
- Providing Meaningful Activities
- Responding to Altered Behavior
- Completion and Implementation Discussion
Contact us today to discuss bringing this progressive Supportive Pathways Approach to your organization. It will inspire staff in a new way of thinking and a new way of caring for the families and the residents/clients they serve.
For Lawyers and Notaries:
In your practice, you may be dealing with senior clients who do not have close family members available to assist them as aging transitions occur. We are available to discuss your concerns with you on the immediate and future needs of your client.
Eldercare planning services through CareSmart Seniors Consulting may provide the additional trusted, professional guidance that your client requires.
Call us for a preliminary free phone consultation.
For Financial Institutions and Financial Planners:
CareSmart Seniors Consulting offers educational seminars and lunch and learn sessions for bank personnel, financial planners, and/or their respective clients. We can also bring a new perspective to guiding your business in its Age-Friendly practices.
If you are dealing with senior clients who may not have close family members available to assist them as aging transitions occur, we welcome your referrals to help address their concerns. Professional consultations are particularly beneficial for companies that hold a Power of Attorney for finances for a senior client.
Long distance caregivers of your local clients may benefit from having an experienced professional available to assist them in the support of their loved one, saving them substantial traveling time.
We can advise both the institution and the older client. If you have questions about long term care, assisted living or are wanting to make sure your client is managing safely and well at home, please call us for a preliminary free phone consultation.
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