What’s your relative EQ (Emotional Quotient)
If you are about to tackle a tough conversation with a family member where conflict may arise, using some emotional quotient (EQ) tips may help the talk go more smoothly. In tough conversations with people you care about, prepare to take the high road, not be defensive, and remain open by practicing the following strategies. Sometimes, you will be surprised …
What to do when frustration gets the better of you
Sometimes a battle of the wills can put added stress on your role as caregiver for an aging parent. Trying to respond instead of react when emotions are high can be difficult. When you feel your defenses rising: Stop…take a long deep breath in and hold your breath, then slowly exhale, blowing out your breath like pushing on the flame …
Is Driving Becoming A Concern?
Hanging up the keys is one of the most difficult decisions to discuss with an elder in the family. Driving is about freedom and independence and it is not something that is easily given up. It symbolizes a passage that many older adults do not want to enter. Who can blame anyone for not wanting to let go of driving …
When stress takes over…Two heads are better than one
Stress does funny things to us. It affects our clarity, our ability to discern solutions calmly and most importantly, negatively affects our health. When we’re under stress, our bodies produce chemicals that wire us up to deal with danger. We’re tense, alert, our hearts are pounding, and our blood pressures rise. Soft music, breathing exercises, looking at a soothing picture, …
One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to mobility aids
Finding the appropriate mobility aid for an older adult requires some expertise, whether it is a cane, a walker, a standard or electric wheelchair or scooter. Seeking the advice of an expert ensures that money is not spent unwisely and that the individual needs of the elder are met. An assessment by an Occupational Therapist can be arranged through the …
Preventing a fall takes far less time than recovering from one
Fall Prevention Strategies: Injuries from falls account for 85 percent of all injuries to the elderly, and in 2006/2007, cost the province of B.C. $155 million in direct hospital costs alone. (Canadian Institute of Health Information Discharge Abstract Database) The following suggestions are excellent questions to go through pertaining to three different high risk fall areas in the home. Ask …
My Own Experience – Moving Mum
I have helped many families move through necessary transitions as the time is reached when it is no longer possible for a senior to continue living in their own home. For my own family, this turning point was reached for my dear ninety year old mum this past weekend. She gratefully has four daughters who are able to work closely …
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